A new scientific website www.poultrydiseases.net is launched by a young Lebanese agricultural engineer and MSc – Poultry Science student and web developer/internet specialist.
Poultry Diseases Network aims to provide:
– A public reference for poultry diseases.
– Discussion forums.
– Latest news and scientific material in health & diseases around the world.
– Online diagnosis tools.
– Online seminars and conferences.
– Student zone.
– And many more…
Poultry Diseases Network is the first full poultry diseases source, quickly accessible for everyone. It is created as a free scientific source for everyone, everywhere.
Each month, Poultry Diseases Network will focus on one disease as follow:
1- Information on the cause, transmission, signs, lesions, diagnosis, treatment, etc…
2- Open forums will be linked to this disease.
3- Special interviews and situation around the globe.
4- Photos from field.
Why ONE disease per month?
The website is not simply copying information; the website aims to provide detailed information followed by open discussions with professionals and experts in poultry diseases. The disease topic will NOT be closed at the end of each month; we will keep discussing related topics if necessary.
Publishers and Authors:
Help us contribute to education and build the largest online poultry diseases community by publishing papers and scientific materials.
Poultry firms, universities, associations…
Kindly keep us up-to-date with all your health and diseases related news, seminars, fairs… All news will be submitted and broadcasted to our members free of charge.