
تهانينا لتوقيع الاتفاق الرائع، شكرا لحاكم سان خوان والسير عنداري ورئيس المجلس الوطني في الرجنتين ارنستو صليبا

… and also echoed by the information service of the government of San Juan #Sisanjuan… the visit to the province of la that our institution was #party signing a #historic agreement that benefits all the villagers who need documentation sanjuaninos Or the items for formalities linked to his #origin…… exactly… the minister of government, from San Juan Emilio Baistrocchi, explained that the #civil registry of San Juan, made available to the Lebanese Republic through its Embassy, the records of the immigrants in this country who came to this earth to find out who were their ascendants and other formalities.!!!… everything a breakthrough!!!…… in the video!!!… The words of the governor Sergio #Unac and the signatures of those involved… in the case of the cdor funlac… Dr. Alberto Adem and Ernesto Saliba… #Congratulations!!!…… #Funlac … always…