WLCU congratulates Beirut-Los Angeles sister cities committee-Eng – 27 June 2006


Office of the Culture & Heritage Affairs committee

PO Box 5429, West End Qld 4101 Australia

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E-mail: chezlaila@hotmail.com

June 2006 – THE WORLD LEBANESE CULTURAL UNION (WLCU) CONGRATULATES THE LOS ANGELES – BEIRUT SISTER CITY COMMITTEE ON THEIR HISTORICAL AGREEMENT                                                                                        

The sister city concept, which is based on the belief that world peace can be achieved through better understanding between ordinary people, was originated by the U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower.


Sister city relationships became a worldwide phenomena, after the Second World War, all with common goals: “To develop enduring networks of communications, to cut across boundaries and to reduce the likelihood of polarization and conflicts between nations”.


While these ideals are being preserved, the emphasis today is on the exchange of people, ideas and materials in a wide variety of business, culture, transportation, municipal, sport, community and educational projects.


The World Lebanese Cultural Union considers the Los Angeles – Beirut Sister City program as a major element enabling Beirut to regain its historical image as the jewel of the Middle East. The WLCU believes in the necessity of such a strategy where Beirut is adopting new ideas and reciprocating with its own, building strong links around the world and sharing knowledge. At a more tactical level, it is about repositioning Beirut as a regional gateway for business, education, health services and recreation.


The Culture and Heritage Affairs Committee of the WLCU praises the Honorable Mayor of Los Angeles Mr. Antonio Villaraigosa for his support of this agreement. Our thanks and appreciations also go to the heads of the delegation President Council Mr. Eric Garcetti, Councilmember Mr. Dennis Zine (American/Lebanese), and all the delegates on their effort to make this mission successful. We are looking forward to see more sister cities for Beirut.


Antoine Ghanem                                                                                   Anise Garabet

Chairman, Culture & Heritage Affairs Committee                                  World President

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia                                                            Los Angeles, California, USA