2014 Presentation of the Tipperary International Peace Award to the UN SG Mr. Ban Ki-moon-24 May 2015

Mr. Roger Hani the World Vice President of the World Lebanese Cultural Union for Europe, representing the World President Mr. Alejandro Kuri Pheres, attended The International Tipperary Peace Award on Sunday the 24th of May in Ireland in response to an invitation extended to the WLCU by Mr. Guy Younes Jones member of the Tipperary Peace Committee and chairman of the Irish Lebanese Cultural Foundation.


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The event was attended by Ministers and members of the local and National Government as well members of the diplomatic Corps and dignitaries and guests from all around the World.

Mr. Ban Ki Moon the UN Secretary General received the Award for his work on Climate change and for reshaping the UN into an efficient body that is dealing with unparalleled challenges for the last decade.

Mr. Ban praised the work of NGOs and civil society groups on inciting Governments to work towards change and equality. Mr. Ban praised the Irish engagement in Peacekeeping since 1958 when Ireland sent observers to Lebanon to monitor the Lebanese Syrian border.

Minister Charlie Flanagan ascertained the Irish commitment to Peace and Foreign Aid.

Previous recipients of the peace awards include in 1989 Mikhael Gorbatchev, in 1989 late Nelson Mandel, in 1999 US Senator Lebanese Origin George Mitchell, in 2005 Former Prime Minister of Lebanon late Rafic Hariri, in 2012 the Pakistani school girl Malala Yousafzai…..

On the sideline of the occasion Mr. Roger Hani also met with the accompanying UN staff of different UN agencies and encountered the honored guest Mr. Ban Ki Moon during the event.