“A Gift 4 Lebanon” was the concept under which the WLCU Youth worked during its congress on July 24

During the 10-day-WLCU-Youth-meeting in Lebanon called #LEBolution, a congress was held on July 24 with the presence of the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Michel Pharaon, WLCU’s several authorities as its World President, Mr. Alejandro Kuri and its Secretary General, Mr. Toni Kaddissi and the 200 young participants coming from 20 countries worldwide.


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The congress opening was in charge of Miss Nissrin Esber, the President of the WLCU Youth, who said in her speech:

“Lebanon needs us in many ways… and this one, the mere fact of bringing back the young sons and daughters of Lebanon, is one of those ways. It’s the way within our means”.

Moreover, she added:

“How can we really contribute to Lebanon? We think the Youth of the World Lebanese Cultural Union is an adequate space to try new formulas, to work from the emigration in different fields and to create projects in Lebanon and abroad, always seeking to keep safe the Lebanese identity and heritage. As it is happening now, the WLCU Youth helps us to know each other and put together our big Lebanese family, spread all over the world, creating a big and solid networking from a peaceful base”.

After the opening, the 200 young participants were divided per countries and worked on an activity called “A Gift for Lebanon”. As its name says, the activity sought to create a positive impact in Lebanon. For the conclusions, it was demonstrated how engaged the Lebanese youth abroad is with its Motherland. The WLCU Youth, present in these 20 countries that were represented and more, is working nowadays in accomplishing some of the projects that were exposed.

Below you can find the some projects per countries:


Topic: Human Rights

“I am Lebanese too”. It is referred to the claim of the Lebanese nationality for the children of Lebanese mothers living abroad. They created a proposal to expose this subject on the Parliament.


Topic: Environment

“Clean up Lebanon Day”. A recycling campaign to be promoted by the kids and through powerful advertising on TV and other medias.


Topic: Heritage

“Find your roots”. A program to bring back Lebanese families to their Motherland through touristic trips. Also, a campaign among the members of the WLCU to donate 1 USD, to be donated for a good cause in Lebanon.


Topic: Social

#YesWeCan. A campaign to give good examples to the Lebanese decision makers. That would be through social help to Lebanese and refugees, and making no differences on any religion. They also suggested making partnerships with others NGOs and with the private sector.


Topic: Heritage

“The emigrant footprint”. A campaign in 3 levels to solidify the relation between Chile and Lebanon: 1) Bringing back families from Chile to Lebanon through touristic trips, 2) Creating more WLCU Youth branches in Chile and 3) To put the statue of the emigrant on the “Square of Lebanon” in Santiago, the Chilean capital.


Topic: Heritage

To organize WLCU Youth groups per cities (Bogotá, Cali, Medellín) and “awake” these young people’s spirit and love for Lebanon. Also, to make special packages so families can travel to Lebanon. Finally, to make a Lebanese Festival every 4 months in the Club Colombo Libanés de Bogotá.


Topics: Environment, Social & Economic

To plant 1 cedar per Lebanese family in Ecuador. To make exchanges of young people between Ecuador and Lebanon through the Ecuadorian Chancellery. To build emergency houses for the ones in need in Lebanon through the NGO “Un Techo para mi país” and bring the volunteers. To create the Lebanese-Ecuadorian Chamber of Commerce in Quito. To create a conglomerate with the countries that belong to the UNASUR to maximize our activities as Lebanese Youths.


Topic: Environment & Cultural

#LEBPollution: campaign regarding the pollution in Lebanon (videos, painting walls, clean the streets, etc). Finding ways to teach to the society and create awareness. Also, to create an app to share cars to reduce the number of cars on the street and their pollution. On another hand, to make the “Lebanese Humor Festival for the Diaspora”: this way we will share our different cultures worldwide. Also, to make more visits to unknown villages in Lebanon (like Douma during LEBolution). To create more WLCU Youth Branches in France. To install the Lebanese Emigrant statue in Marseille, main port from where Lebanese emigrants used to sail to the different corners of the world.


Topic: Social & Sports

#MyExperienceInLebanonWas campaign. It consists on inviting 3 persons to share their experience and then those 3 will invite 3 more and make a big chain. Also, to organize 2 “Lebanese Nights”: one during the JOMALI’s convention and the other on the “Ahlan Shabeb”’s headquarters. Also, to propose a financial mechanism for the youth group in Mexico (JOMALI). Finally, to organize sportive championships.


Topic: Education (kids)

Educating kids for long terms goals (in the environment field, for instance) through summer camps, workshops, etc. “Moral building” for the country and its people and cultural education, especially for the younger generation: to help them grow. Create educational projects along with the WLCU as hosts to receive kids.

Canada, Sweden, DenmarK, Italy, Guatemala and UK worked on how to build their WLCU Youth branches along with the WLCU-Y President, Nissrin, and the WLCU-Y Secretary General, Said Chaya.