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WCC: Bridges of Values

Rally Dakar – Sociocultural Lebanon in the spotlight from 6 to 20 January 2018

  • Socio-culturalLebanon honored by Antoine Iskandarand JadComair (article follows an interview with Antoine Iskandar) Antoine Iskandar(31) and JadComair (43) in partnership with WCC and the WLCU of Latin America to help them to realize this beautiful project. It was for the benefit of Anta AkhiLebanon who cares for mentally disabled adults.
  • Real work of team with WLCU. Edmond Abdul Massih, Juan Salibaand me have worked together to enhance youth in Latin America to support this sport participation .
  • It isa way of puttingLebanon in the spotlight with its human wealth that the world sometimes ignores in a difficult geopolitical context. It is a sporting event with socio-cultural aims.
  • “enjoy participating in a sporting event to bring a Lebanese message first then humanitarian”.
  • This initiative was indeed supported by the Lebanese ambassador in France involving the French President  Emmanuel Macron.
Participation to the Lebanon dialogue initiative Forum 2017 – NDU
  • المؤتمرالثاني لمبادر ة لبنان الحوار le 3 November 2017  representing the world president of the WLCU Elias Kassab.
  • The work of this conference comes in the context presented by President Michel Aounon the role of Lebanon in the face of terrorism and its candidacy to become a permanent center for dialogue among civilizations, religions and ethnicities.