Dear Lebanese in the world,
The world committee of the “International Festival for Lebanese Emigrants” (active since 2003) is glad to invite you to participate in the first
21-22 July 2017
At HAYDA LEBANON – The Village of Tradition, Zaarour – Maten – LEBANON, where groups of Dabke from all over the world are invited to compete to win the trophy of the festival with other valuable prizes.
The committee is offering “AIRPORT TO AIRPORT” package.
Lebanese emigrant’s dabke groups are welcomed to represent their city/country.
The competition will be evaluated by an official jury specialized in the Lebanese folklore and traditions.
This event is covered by the mass medias, TV and social media with the collaboration of ministries of Interior, Economy and Trade, Tourism, Sports and Youth, Culture, and Information, and the participation of the World Lebanese Cultural Union members and youth.
Please check our Facebook page “World LEBANESE DABKE Championship” and apply on for more details and information.
Looking forward to see you in LEBANON in July 2017
World Committee
P: +961 1 888 999;
Fax: +961 1 884 999;
P.O. Box: 70-999 LEBANON