Secretary General
To: Members of the World Congress
CC: Officers and members fyi
Subject: The World Congress meeting in Brazil – May 25 to 27, 2007
As announced previously, and after consultation with the World President, who did his own consultations with the GRC’s Presidents, the ordinary session of the World Congress shall take place in Sao Paulo, BRAZIL on May 25th to 27th, 2007, as the situtation in Lebanon doesn’t permit to make it in our mother country for now. It will take place in Club Monte Libano in Sao Paulo.
All the GRC’s presidents and RSG must ensure receipt of this memo by the concerned officers.
A preliminary agenda, and further information will follow soon.
For the moment, please make sure that your chapter did pay its membership dues of 2006 to the world treasurer, thru the Regional Council treasurer, to have the right to vote in this world congress. Deadline date is February 28th, 07
Georges Abi Raad