The 12th World Conference Amendments of the Bylaws Mexico City – Mexico
May 12th 2001.
Version Oct 20th 2005
The current basic constitutional law approved for WLCU during the Exceptional World Conference held in San Paulo, Brazil on 16 September 1994 will apply with all its provisions, rules, articles and sentences, with The following amendments which were approved during The World Conference held in Mexico City, Mexico on May 12, 2001:
(a) The abolition of the Presidential Council and the integration of the World Council as follows:
– President
– 3 Vice Presidents
– World Secretary General
– World Treasurer
– 10 Vocals
(b) The formation of the Commission of International Relations which aims at establishing relations with all international organizations and diplomatic missions in order to become an international entity and an INGO.
(c) The change of the World Committee for youth to World Council for Youth.
(d) To give authority to the new World Council to make the necessary adjustments and amendments to the Reglamentary Articles to be in accordance with the changes approved for the basic Constitutional Law.
Stamp and Signature
The Secretary General
Amine Harb.Eng.
The 13th World Conference Amendments of the Bylaws
Miami – USA May 31st 2003
The current basic constitutional law approved for WLCU during the 12th World Conference held in Mexico City, Mexico on May 12, 2001 will apply with all its provisions, rules, articles and sentences, with the following amendments which were approved during the 13th World Conference held in Miami, USA on May 31st, 2003:
a) The change of the Advisory Council to “The World Lebanese Senate”
b) The formation of the Communications Committee
c) The formation of the Social Affairs Committee
d) The formation of the Cultural and Heritage Affairs Committee
e) The formation of the Business and Economics Committee
f) One additional Vice President post is adopted
g) To confirm the membership of the Assistant Secretary General for Administrative Affairs, the Assistant Secretary General for Financial Affairs and the Assistant Secretary General for Committees Affairs as part of the Secretariat General within the framework of the World Council without a right to vote
h) The World Secretary General appointment by the President is subject to consultation with the “World Lebanese Senate”
i) To give authority to the new World Council to make the necessary adjustments and amendments to the reglamentary articles to be in accordance with the changes approved for the Basic Constitutional Law and Internal Regulations.
World Secretary General
Dr Walid Phares
The 14th World Conference Amendments of the Bylaws
Sydney – Australia May 28th 2005
The current basic constitutional law approved for WLCU during the 13th World Conference held in Miami, USA on May 31st, 2003 will apply with all its provisions, rules, articles and sentences, with the following amendments which were approved during the 14th World Conference held in Sydney, Australia on May 28th 2005:
Article 11
The following are to be appointed by the World President subject to consultation with the World Lebanese Senate:
The Chairman of Commission on International Relations
The Chairman of Commission on Information and Communications
The Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee
The Chairman of the Cultural and Heritage Affairs Committee
The Chairman of the Business and Economics Committee
The President of Council on Foreign Affairs ( added during the 14th Congress)
Article 12
Member Organizations are entitled to vote at the World Conference if they are registered with the Secretariat General at least 5 months prior to the Conference and have fulfilled their membership dues at least 3 months prior to the Conference.
Article 26
The World President shall have 6 Vice Presidents.
5 months term flexibility is allowed before or after the two-year term of the President to call for a World Conference.
Articles 41-44
The Board of Trustees is to merge with the World Lebanese Senate.
Article 57
The Chairman of the Youth Council to be elected during a world Youth Conference
World Secretary General
George Abi Raad
Note: This translation has been edited for ease of reading. Please refer to original text for exactness of both the translation and pre-editing.
World Lebanese Cultural Union Internal Regulations
Sydney, Australia on May 28th 2005
Chapter One- Membership and Affiliation
Part I- Affiliation of Individuals
Article 1: Every Lebanese person whether a national or of Lebanese descent, irrespective of whatever other citizenship he/she may be holding and who is in compliance with Article 3 paragraph f and Article 5 of the basic constitutional law of the WLCU and is dwelling in any of the Geographical Regions identified within the basic constitutional law, is entitled to membership in the WLCU.
Article 2: Every eligible person from whatever host country, as defined in Article 1 above may file for membership application to the appropriate branch at the conditions set thereat.
Article 3: Each accepted member shall receive a yearly and annually renewable membership card issued by the branch, signed by the World Secretary General of WLCU and by the officer in charge of the branch.
Article 4: Honorary membership cards signed by the President of WLCU and the World Secretary General may be issued in favor of non-members, upon specific requests to that effect by members.
Article 5: Each member, holder of a valid membership card shall be entitled to the benefits, advantages, facilities and discounts offered by WLCU.
Part 2- Affiliation of Organizations
Article 6: Group membership qualification to the WLCU is restricted to current branches as well as to those that shall be established in the future. Clubs, societies, confederations, institutions and unions shall be construed as branches whenever they subscribe to the WLCU and have been duly affiliated.
Article 7: A branch shall have a minimum of thirty members in good standing holding valid and current membership cards. Each member is entitled to one vote in the election of the Branch Board. No one is permitted membership in more than one branch.
Article 8: a) An application for establishing an affiliated branch shall be submitted to the Secretariat General upon its endorsement by either the National or the State Council, whichever is applicable in the country of the applicant.
b) The National or State Council shall forward the application to the Secretariat General by no later than two months from the date of its receipt, otherwise the branch affiliation application may be submitted by the branch directly to the Secretariat General.
Part 3- Affiliation
The branch is considered affiliated upon the Secretariat General’s satisfaction of the applicant’s compliance with the required conditions. The World Secretary General shall then advise the National or State Council accordingly and upon registering the affirmative decision in the minutes of the Secretariat General.
Article 9: The approved branch is a legal entity that enjoys administrative and financial independence. It shall enact its own regulations provided that such regulations do not in any way contradict the WLCU Basic Constitutional Bylaws, the WLCU Internal Regulations, and the branch’s Geographical Area’s prevailing laws and regulations.
Article 10: The branch members shall elect from within their membership, the President and the Board of Directors. The elected president shall become a member of the National or State Council in the host country or state of the branch. The president of the branch shall notify the Secretariat General by way of the National or State Council of the internal regulations of the branch, its address, the names and addresses of its members along with samples of their signatures including those of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the branch President shall henceforth submit to the World Secretariat General and to its National or State Council, whichever is applicable, an annual report on the activities of the branch.
Chapter two – General Organizations
Article 11: WLCU comprises thirteen organizations:
1- The World Conference
2- The World Council
3- The World Secretariat General
4- The World Senate
5- The Arbitrary Council
6- The World Council for Youth
7- The World Committee for Ladies of Lebanese Descent.
8- Council on Foreign Affairs
9- The Commission of International Relations
10- The Communications Committee
11- The Social Affairs Committee
12- The Cultural and Heritage Affairs Committee
13- The Business and Economics Committee
The following are to be appointed by the World President subject to consultation with the World Lebanese Senate:
The Chairman of Commission on International Relations
The Chairman of Commission on Information and Communications
The Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee
The Chairman of the Cultural and Heritage Affairs Committee
The Chairman of the Business and Economics Committee
The President of Council on Foreign Affairs
Part I- The World Conference
Article 12: The World Conference consists of the presidents of WLCU accredited branches, clubs, societies, confederations, institutions and unions; of the presidents of National and State Councils; of the chairmen of the World Council for Youth and the chairman of the World Committee for Ladies of Lebanese Descent; The President of Council on Foreign Affairs, The Chairman of the Commission of International Relations, The Chairman of the Communications Committee, The Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee, The Chairman of the Cultural and Heritage Affairs Committee, The Chairman of The Business and Economics Committee, of members of Geographical Regions committees and the World Secretary General.
Each head of a WLCU organization is permitted representation at any session of the World Conference by a delegate of his/her choice, chosen from the members of the organization over which he/she presides. He/she shall empower the chosen delegate with a written authorization for the specific session. The authorization shall bear the stamp of the organization and the signature of its president.
Member Organizations are entitled to vote at the World Conference if they are registered with the Secretariat General at least 5 months prior to the Conference and have fulfilled their membership dues at least 3 months prior to the Conference.
Part II- Modus Operandi of the WLCU
Article 13: The World Conference is the highest authority of WLCU. It enacts and amends its regulations and has authority over all of its affiliated organizations in view of meeting its objectives.
Article 14: Conduct of Ordinary Meetings
(A) The World Conference shall, under normal circumstances, convene in an ordinary general assembly once every two years, in Lebanon or elsewhere. The president through the World Secretariat General shall announce the meeting.
(B) The Secretary General shall call the meeting, and forward not earlier than 90 days of the scheduled meeting, its agenda to all affiliated organizations by certified mail or messenger services.
(C) The World President of WLCU shall chair the ordinary meeting and shall be assisted by the Secretary General and six auditors, one from each of the 6 geographical regions. The auditors shall record the names of the attending members upon ensuring the validity of their representative authority, ensure quorum and record the votes.
(D) The World Secretary General shall inscribe the minutes of the meeting and cosign them with the President.
(E) The quorum for the first ordinary session of WLCU shall be the absolute majority of the invited members present; otherwise by the majority of attendees in a second session which shall be held, under normal circumstances, within two hours of the posted time for the first meeting.
(F) At the general ordinary meeting of WLCU, decisions agreed upon by the affirmative votes of the majority of the attending members shall be binding on the WLCU.
(G) The session shall be opened by the stating that quorum has been attained and by the reading the agenda of work that comprises:
(i) The report and approval of the President.
(ii) The administrative and financial reports and the approval of the World Secretariat General
(iii) Deciding on a plan of work of WLCU during the coming two years.
Article 15: Conduct of Extraordinary Meetings
(A) An extraordinary meeting of the World Conference shall be held whenever warranted.
(B) It shall be called upon the request by the majority of the attending members of an ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the World Conference.
(C) It shall be called upon the request of the President under the same general procedures applicable in the calling of an ordinary general assembly of WLCU. The World President shall chair the extraordinary meeting.
(D) Quorum is attained in the first extraordinary session of the World Conference by attendance of two thirds of the invited members; otherwise by attendees of the second session, irrespective of their number, which will be held, under normal circumstances, within two hours of the posted time of the first meeting.
(E) At an extraordinary meeting of WLCU, decisions agreed upon by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the attending members shall be binding on the WLCU.
Article 16: At World Conference meetings, whether ordinary or extraordinary, voting shall be made by the raising of hands. Each attending member shall have one vote on the basis that of the total number of votes allocated, Brazil is entitled to one third of the total votes and the other two-thirds are allocated to the remaining geographical regions combined.
Part 2 – The World Council
Article 17: The World Council is comprised of:
– The World President, the Vice-Presidents, the World Treasurer and the Vocals.
– The Secretariat General, which includes the World Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary General the Regional Secretaries General, Assistant Secretary General for Administrative Affairs, the Assistant Secretary General for Financial Affairs and the Assistant Secretary General for Committees Affairs, without a right to vote
– Presidents of National and State Councils.
– Chairmen of the Committees of Geographical Regions
– The Chairman of the World Council for Youth.
– The Chairman of the Committee for Ladies of Lebanese Descent.
– The President of Council on Foreign Affairs
– The Chairman of the Committee of International Relations.
– The Chairman of the Communications Committee
– The Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee
– The Chairman of the Cultural and Heritage Affairs Committee
– The Chairman of The Business and Economics Committee
Article 18: Authority of the World Council
(A) The World Council shall have the power to:
(i) Supervise the implementation of the decisions of the World Conference by the executive organizations of WLCU.
(ii) Study, discuss and approve the annual budget of WLCU.
(iii) Make the necessary recommendations and decisions to be applied by the executive organizations of WLCU.
(B) Call World Conference meetings to be held in ordinary and extraordinary sessions (Article 15-a).
(C) The World Council will, under normal circumstances, meet once a year in Lebanon or elsewhere, as specified in the call to the meeting. The World President will call for the meeting by way of the World Secretariat General. An extraordinary assembly of the World Council will be held upon a request by the World President, or upon a recommendation made to the President by the Secretariat General or by any of the committees of the geographical regions.
The President will decide on the recommendation within one month from the date of having received it. Within one month from having accepted to call a meeting, the President shall call for the meeting of the World Council
(D) The World President shall chair the meeting and shall be assisted by the World Secretary General and by six auditors appointed by the President, each auditor representing one of the 6 geographical regions.
(E) A quorum is attained in the first session by the attendance of half of the invited members plus one; otherwise by attendees of the second session, irrespective of their number, which will be held, under normal circumstances, within two hours of the posted time of the first meeting.
(F) Decisions shall be taken by an affirmative vote by the absolute majority of the attending delegates and voting shall be made by hand raising, subject to the provisions of article16.
(G) Each eligible member to the World Council is permitted representation at any session of the World Council by a delegate of his/her choice, chosen from the members of the organization over which he/she presides. He/she shall empower the chosen delegate with a written authorization for the specific session. The authorization shall bear the stamp of the organization and the signature of its president.
Part 3 – Committees of the Geographical Regions
Article 19: Each committee of the geographical regions consists of the President of the National or State Council of his/her geographical region within the Diaspora countries defined by the bylaws.
Article 20: Committees of the geographical regions are empowered to execute the decisions of the World Conference, and to coordinate the work and decisions of the National and State Councils in each geographical region and to ensure cooperation and integration between all parties.
Article 21: Modus Operandi of the Committees
A) Committees of the geographical regions shall document their internal regulations having consideration for the objectives of WLCU and abiding by the World Constitutional Basic Bylaws and World Internal Regulations and civil laws of the countries affected within the Diaspora. A copy of the regulations shall be signified to the World Secretariat General.
B) Committees of geographical regions shall meet once every two years on a date not conflicting with any scheduled date of the World Conference meetings.
C) Each committee shall elect its President and Administrative Board in the manner prescribed in article 7 of the Basic Constitutional Bylaws. The term of the President and the Administrative Board shall be for a fixed non extendable and non renewable two- year period, The elected President and members of the Administrative Board may not be elected to two (2) consecutive terms.
Part 4 – The National Councils
Article 22: The National or State Council shall consist in the least, of presidents of three of any of the following branches: clubs, societies, confederations, or unions affiliated to WLCU in the Lebanese Diaspora countries.
Article 23: The National or State Council is empowered to execute the decisions of the World Conference and those of the World Council and to coordinate between the branches, clubs, societies, confederations and unions of the hosting country to ensure cooperation and interaction between them.
Article 24: The National or State Council shall hold its annual meeting on a date not conflicting with the scheduled date of a meeting of the World Council and of the Continental Conference. It shall elect, from the ranks of its members, for a term of two years, an administrative board that comprises a president, a vice president, a treasurer and counselors. The president is not to be re-elected prior to two years following his served term.
Minutes of the election with a schedule of the elected members of the board, their full addresses and samples of their signatures shall be signified to the Central Secretariat General. The National or State Council shall record its internal regulations taking into consideration the objectives of WLCU while abiding by the Constitutional Basic Bylaw and Internal Regulations of WLCU as well as the civil laws of the countries of the Diaspora. A copy of such regulations shall be signified to the Central Secretariat General. In countries or states where affiliation with an organization from another state is not feasible, a sole branch may itself become a National or State Council upon an extraordinary approval by the World Secretariat General.
Article 25: Wherever required for purposes of internal organization in certain geographical regions, Provincial Councils comprised of the organizations affiliated to WLCU may replace National Councils. Said Provincial Councils may also form, a council of geographical region when an approval is given to that effect by the World Secretariat General and ratified by the President.
Part 5-The President
Article 26: The World President and six Vice-Presidents are elected by secret vote as prescribed in article 7 of the Basic Constitutional Bylaw. The term of the World President and the Vice-Presidents shall be for two years non extendable and non renewable until 2 years has elapsed from the term being served.
Five months term flexibility is allowed before or after the two-year term of the President to call for a World Conference.
Article 27: The President, during his term, chairs the meetings, signs the correspondence, and represents WLCU.
Article 28: The President has the executive authority within WLCU. He/she organizes, directs and administers the general affairs of WLCU and oversees the undertaking of the decisions taken by the World Conference and by the World Council in particular.
Article 29: The President is held responsible by the World Conference for any violations he/she commits against the law and against the regulations of WLCU. The World Conference has the right to dismiss the President before expiry of his/her term by an irrevocable ratified decision to this effect in an extraordinary general meeting.
Article 30: During the World Conference meeting, the President shall appoint, for a renewable term of two years, subject to consultation with the “World Lebanese Senate” a World Treasurer and a World Secretary General to administer the affairs of WLCU, assisted by a Deputy Secretary General and six Regional Secretary Generals appointed upon his recommendation. The Secretariat General is responsible to the President for violations committed by itself against the law and the regulations of WLCU. The President is authorized to automatically dismiss the Secretary General for committing a major mistake or if found in violation of the WLCU regulations, in violation of the decisions of the Conference or the World Council or for any damages caused to the WLCU by the Secretary General. Such dismissal shall be affected in accordance with the procedure of appointment. The President may dismiss Regional Secretaries General upon the justified recommendation of the Secretary General.
Part 6- The Secretariat General
Article 31: The Secretariat General consists of the Secretary General, of the Deputy Secretary General, of Assistant Secretaries General appointed in accordance with article 37 of these regulations, of officials appointed by the Secretary General as needed and in accordance with internal regulations proposed by the Secretary General and approved by the President. Said regulations shall prescribe the establishment of the officials, their remuneration, and their discharge taking into account the jurisdiction of the Lebanese labor law.
Article 32: The Secretary General has the authority to implement the plans and to execute the decisions of the President, and is further responsible under his/her delegated responsibilities, for all matters within the jurisdiction of the President and in particular the following:
To ensure realization of the objectives of WLCU as defined in the Basic Constitutional Bylaws.
To ensure execution of the decisions agreed upon by the World Conference and the World Council as delegated by the President through his authority in accordance with Article 28.
To address a call to a meeting to the World Conference for the meetings of the General Assembly.
To address a call to the World Conference to convene.
To accept affiliations to WLCU and issue membership cards.
To authorize and supervise the establishment of branches and to authorize the establishment of more than one branch in any one city.
To coordinate the work of the committees of Geographical Regions and of the National and Provincial Councils and of branches and organizations.
To render judgment in differences between members and organizations of WLCU such as by way of example, between National and Provincial Councils and those of lower levels.
To appoint special committees for executing certain objectives of WLCU.
To appoint administrative, technical and counseling officials.
To sign correspondence and powers of attorney.
To administer the funds of WLCU and sign financial transactions with the World Treasurer, and to assign a legal auditor, as appointed by the President, for auditing the books and certifying the budget and submitting an annual financial report to the World Conference.
To attend meetings of the World Conference and of the World Council, and to record the minutes of the meetings, personally or through a delegate, and to co-sign said minutes with the President. To attend, whether personally or through a delegate the meetings of committees of Geographical Regions and the elections of Boards of such committees.
To serve, whenever necessary, the decisions of the World Conference, of the World Council and of other affiliate organizations.
The remuneration of the Secretary General shall be defined in accordance with the recommendation and approval of the World President.
During the absence of the Secretary General, he/she shall be represented by the Deputy Secretary General or any Regional Secretary General delegated to that end by the Secretary General.
When the position of Secretary General becomes vacant, the Deputy Secretary General, pending the appointment of his successor, shall fulfill his tasks.
Article 32: The Regional Secretaries General shall assist the World Secretary General upon his delegation, who summons them to the Secretariat General, ordinary and extraordinary to submit their report on their assignments.
Article 33: The Secretary General assigns specific functions and authority to the Regional Secretaries General in the following domains:
Assistant Secretary General for Administrative Affairs.( See article 34 : Deputy Secretary General )
Assistant Secretary General for Financial Affairs. ( Could be substituted by The World Treasurer)
Assistant Secretary General for Committee’s Affairs. (Supervises the specialized committees – See articles 35-36-37)
Six Regional Secretaries General, who reside and work abroad, for Regional Affairs
Article 34: Each Assistant Secretary General represents the World Secretary General within his assigned specialty
The Assistant Secretary General for Administrative Affairs:
This task may be assigned to the Deputy Secretary General. Maintains the minutes of meetings and the records of decisions and recommendations relating to organizations of WLCU, in particular those of the General Assembly and those of the Executive and Advisory Boards. Receives incoming mail and submits it to the Secretary General who in turn, refers the correspondence to the concerned parties. Records the minutes of the Secretariat General and co-signs them with the Secretary General. Responsible for the records and documents of WLCU, of schedules of names, addresses and dates of affiliation of the members and branch ID cards etc. Is in charge of distributing membership cards, of receiving and directing incoming funds and donations. Represents the Secretary General during his absence.
The Assistant Secretary General for Financial Affairs:
He/she is responsible for the funds of WLCU and co-signs financial transactions with the Secretary General. Collects subscriptions, contributions and donations with corresponding receipts and vouchers. Holds a legally acceptable accounting system and is assisted by experienced specialists. Deposits in one or more banking institution as assigned by the Secretary General, funds of the WLCU in excess of $1000. Prepares the annual budget and submits it to the Secretary General. Represents the Assistant Secretary General for Administrative Affairs during his absence.
The Assistant Secretary General for Committees Affairs: (See articles 35-36-37)
Supervises the concerned committees, coordinates their work and completes an annual report on their activities. Seeks, with the consent of the Secretary General, help of experienced persons and institutions for the preparation of studies to facilitate the work of the committees. Receives the recommendations of committees, and refers them to the Secretary General with his comments
The Assistant Secretary General for Regional Affairs: ( Six regional Secretaries General, one for each region)
The Central Secretary General delegates to each Assistant Secretary General, certain specialized functions, by as decreed holding him/her accountable to the Central Secretary General for their actions, such as the coordination with the president of each committee of a geographical region, and with the Presidents of the National and Provincial Councils in the execution of all matters delegated to him.
Part 7- The Specialized Committees
Article 35: The Secretary General shall appoint specialized committees of experts, composed of not less than a president and a reporter for accomplishing certain defined missions. Specialized committees are the following :
Financial Committee- To promote the resources of WLCU, recommend priorities of disbursing resources, and to attend to financial investments.
Economic Committee- To evaluate ways emigrants can contribute in rebuilding Lebanon and to strengthen economic relations between Lebanon and hosting countries.
Information Committee- To contribute in the exchange of video, audio and written information programs between Lebanon and the hosting countries.
Social Committee- To study means of assisting the needy and the afflicted in Lebanon and in the Diaspora, and to advise and direct the youth towards careers in demand on the labor market in Lebanon and in the Diaspora.
Educational Committee- To spread the Lebanese legacy in the countries of the Diaspora, and to encourage the opening of schools for the teaching of the Arabic language.
Advisory Committee- To provide, upon request, the necessary counseling and guidance to affiliated members of WLCU.
Organization Committee- To prepare programs for conferences, and to plan for realizing the objectives of WLCU and promoting its efficacy.
Statistical and Authenticating Committee- To attend to authentication matters in general, to raise detailed lists of such matters, and to maintain statistical records.
Article 36: The specialized committees shall make recommendations to the Assistant Secretary General for Committees Affairs who refers them, with his comments, to the Central Secretary General for decision.
Article 37: The Secretary General is authorized to appoint other specialized committees, whenever necessary, upon the recommendation of the Assistant Secretary General for Committees Affairs and after having consulted the World Lebanese Senate of WLCU.
Part 8- The World Lebanese Senate
Article 38: The World Lebanese Senate of WLCU is the juristic board of WLCU.
Article 39: The World Lebanese Senate is composed of permanent members including previous Presidents, previous Secretaries General of WLCU, previous Chairmen of the World Council for Youth of Lebanese Descent; and of an equal number of members selected and proposed by these permanent members from regional and world celebrities among emigrants, heads of states, ministers, senators, members of parliament and other specialized prominent personalities among Lebanese emigrants and from those who had rendered valuable service to WLCU. Each such member is subject to the approval by the World Conference in an ordinary general assembly meeting that shall be held every six years.
Article 40: Modus Operandi of the World Lebanese Senate
A) As soon as it is established, the World Lebanese Senate shall convene under the chairmanship of the most senior of its members, for agreeing to name or elect, in case of disagreement, two of its members as President and Vice President.
B) The World Lebanese Senate shall, under normal circumstances, meet annually at the same location and at the same time as the annual World Council and World Conference In the same place and at the same date to agree on naming or electing its new President and Vice President as well as being apprised of the names proposed by the Secretariat General for members of The World Lebanese Senate and of the Arbitration Council, and to provide comments on any subject proposed by the Secretariat General including agreements, protocols, and contracts.
C) The reporter shall write the minutes of the meeting and submit them to the World Council.
D) The most senior Vice President shall represent the President in his absence. In case of absence of both the President and Vice Presidents, the most senior attending member shall chair the meeting.
E) The Secretary General or his delegate shall be the reporter to the World Lebanese Senate
G) Quorum shall be attained upon attendance of, at least, one third of the members in the first session, and by whatever number of members attends in the second session that shall be held in the following day to that of the first session.
H) Call for the meeting shall be addressed, at least, one month before its assigned date. Decisions shall be taken by the majority of the attending members.
I) The World Lebanese Senate gives the necessary directives for consolidating cooperation between Lebanon and the countries of Diaspora.
Article 42: Every year, the World Conference proposes names of new members for the World Lebanese Senate, from those consenting and wishing so. Names of such candidates are sent to the World Lebanese Senate for information purposes. The Secretary General or his/her delegate shall act as reporter to the World Lebanese Senate.
Part 10- The Arbitration Council
Article 45: The Arbitration Council consists of three basic members and of two substitute members to be selected by the World Council among men of law affiliated to WLCU.
Article 46: The World Council shall nominate, yearly, the members of the Arbitration Council in accordance with article 40-B of these regulations. It shall, also, specify the names of the President and of the two counselors among the two substitute members.
Article 47: The Arbitration Council shall arbitrate in any disputes or differences arising about the interpretation or the application of the Basic Constitutional Bylaw and Internal Regulations of WLCU. It shall, also, arbitrate in all disputes and differences among the organizations and members of the superior board of WLCU.
Article 48: Each of the conflicting parties shall submit a written list comprising its statements and requests. The Arbitration Council is authorized to summon both parties or any one of them to appear in front of it. The Arbitration Council shall render its absolute and final judgment that is binding on the conflicting parties, and which is not subject to any further review. The Arbitration Council is also authorized, upon the recommendation of the World President of WLCU or the Central Secretary General, to take any disciplinary measures it may deem necessary against the members who contravene the jurisdiction of the Basic Constitutional Bylaws and the Internal Regulations of WLCU, as well as against those who cause damages to WLCU and its organizations. Such measures include: Cautioning, blaming, rebuking, suspension of membership of the offender for a period to be defined by the Arbitration Council, and dismissal from WLCU.
Chapter Three – Resources of WLCU
Part 1 – Subscription Fees
Article 49: The resources of WLCU are derived from annual subscription fees, donations, gifts and contributions in accordance with Article 13 of the Basic Constitutional Bylaw.
Article 50: The annual subscription fee is $20 per affiliated member. The Secretariat General may modify the amount of the annual fee subject to consulting the Advisory Council. A new annual fee shall become due at the beginning of each fiscal year. Any part of an incomplete year is considered one complete year for purposes of the payable fee.
Part 2- Funds of WLCU
Article 51: Revenues and Disbursements
A) The funds of WLCU shall be deposited in its name in one or more banks chosen by the President and Secretary General of WLCU. The prerogative of the President and the Secretary General to chose the financial institutions for the banking business is conditional upon the Assistant Secretary General for Financial Affairs holding a proper accounting system and that the accounting records and annual budgets are being audited and certified by a legally certified auditor in accordance with the jurisdiction granted in the Internal Regulations.
B) Spending and disbursing of funds shall be made against checks or payment vouchers signed both by the President of WLCU or his delegate, and by the Secretary General or his delegate.
Article 52: Spending the funds of WLCU shall be made by the decision of the Secretary General .The Assistant Secretary General for Financial Affairs shall pay the amounts approved in the decision against a payment voucher signed by the Secretary General stating the name of the beneficiary, date, and the reason for the expenditure.
Article 53: In an annual ordinary meeting of the World Council of WLCU, the Secretary General shall allocate the remuneration of committees and counselors within the budget for emergency purposes with the approval by the President of WLCU.
Part 3 – The Fiscal Year
Article 54: The fiscal year begins on the first day of January of each year and ends on the thirty first day of December of the same year .By exception, the current fiscal year begins on the date of approval of the new Basic Constitutional Bylaws and the Internal Regulations and ends on the thirty first day of December of the same year. An inventory of WLCU funds, movable and non-movable, shall be held and the final total balance carried forward.
Article 55: On the first month of each fiscal year, the Secretary General shall submit to the President a financial report requesting the approval of the accounts of the past year and the clearance of the account of the Secretariat General. He/she shall attach to the said financial report, the annual report both of which are prepared by the Accounts Controller appointed by the President.
Chapter Four – The World Council for Youth
Article 56: Each National Council shall form a committee for youth descendant of Lebanese origin. Such committee shall be considered part of the National Council.
Article 57: All committees for youth descendant of Lebanese origin shall form together one world committee for youth of Lebanese descendants presided by an elected chairman who shall coordinate with the Central Secretary General of WLCU. The Chairman of the Youth Council to be elected during a world Youth Conference
Article 58: The World Council for Youth shall enact its own internal regulations for approval by the World Council of WLCU.
Article 59: The Chairman of the World Council for Youth shall have the capacity of Vice President having right to discussion and voting. He shall be, also, a member of the World Council.
Chapter Five – Amendment of the Internal Regulations
Article 60: The same procedure applied for amending the Basic Constitutional Bylaws shall be followed for amending the Internal Regulations.
Chapter Six – Agreements
Article 61: Various Agreements
1) Through its President, WLCU may conclude a cooperation agreement with the Republic of Lebanon that is represented by the relevant ministries for coordinating the common work in the fields of emigrant affairs.
2) Through a decision of its president, WLCU is authorized to conclude agreements with any group or union of emigrant clubs not affiliated to WLCU but fulfilling all conditions for affiliation.
3) Through a decision of its president, WLCU may conclude, within the scope of its aims and objectives and in accordance with its regulations, educational, technical, social, economical or sports agreements with any national or world organization or with any international institution.
4) Through a decision of its president, WLCU is authorized to cooperate with any similar organization in any country for the mutual interest and for the benefit of Lebanese citizens in Lebanon and in the Diaspora.
5) Through a decision of its president, WLCU is authorized to sign contracts.
6) In accordance with its regulations and the approval of the World Secretariat General, continental committees, national councils, branches and institutions affiliated to WLCU in the Diaspora have the prerogative to conclude cooperation agreements among themselves and with other institutions, clubs, and societies for achieving the aims and objectives of WLCU.
Chapter Seven- General Regulations
Article 62: No person is permitted to hold two positions with the exception of the President of a National or State Council who must be, at the same time, president of a branch, club, society, confederation, institution or union.
Article 63: These regulations shall be incorporated to the Basic Constitutional Bylaws and are a complementary and integral part of it.
Article 64: The Internal Regulations in this document have been approved at the extraordinary World Conference held at Sao Paulo, Brazil between May20 and May 22, 1993. These are an integral part of the Basic Constitutional Bylaws that was, also, approved in this conference and became effective in accordance with the contents of that said law. These Internal Regulations have been amended at the twelfth World Conference held in Mexico City, Mexico on May 12th 2001. These Internal Regulations have been amended at the thirteenth World Conference held in Miami, USA on May 31st 2003. These Internal Regulations have been amended at the Fourteenth World Conference held in Sydney – Australia May 28th 2005.
The World Secretary General The Legal Committee at the 14th Congress
Georges Abi Raad Anis Garabet – Anis Karam – Tony Kaddissi
Michel Jarjour – Dr Nick Kahwaji