UN and NGO

Welcome to the UN and NGO Commission

Year In Review 2016

Mr. Sid Chidiac at the DPI/NGO Briefing entitled "Global Violence" – 12 June 2014

WLCU Main Representative at the DPI of the UN Mr. Sid Chidiac has participated to the Thursday DPI/NGO Briefing of June 12, 2014 entitled “Global violence: Psychological perspectives, prevention, intervention and future trends”. Click on the link below and you can forward to 55:00 minutes to watch Mr. Sid asking the first question, he created a storm of responses from ...

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The WLCU attends the UN World Press Freedom Day 2014 conference – 1 May 2014

In commemoration of the World Press Freedom Day,  The United Nations Department of Public Information “DPI” in cooperation with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization “UNESCO” has extended an invitation to The World Lebanese Cultural Union and to all relevant NGO’s to attend a briefing at the UN Headquarters in New York on Thursday, 1 May 2014. The briefing is titled: “Media Freedom for ...

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WLCU NGO Committee

WLCU NGO Committee:‎ – Chief Administrative officer: Eng. Anis Garabet – Main Representative: Dr Nick Kahwaji ‎ – Alternate Representative: Sid Chidiac ‎ – Consultants:  Eng. Georges Abi Raad; Attorney Steve Stanton‎

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Mara Hanna at the DPI Communications Workshop – 18 April 2013

WLCU UN representative Mara Hanna took time once again this year to attend the Workshop on Communications which took place at the United Nations Headquarters DPI –NGO in New York City on 18 April 2013. Click Below to read her report demonstrating interesting subjects and distinguished panelists. Mara Hanna-DPI Communications Workshop  

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WLCU DPI Representative Mara Hanna attended the CSW57 – 4 to 15 March 2013

The World Lebanese Cultural Union representative at the DPI of the UN, Mara Hanna, has just attended the CSW57, the Commission on the Status of Women that was held at the UN Headquarters in New York from 4 to 15 March 2013. Mara was one of 6000 participants. She had the chance to meet Attorney Kelly Razzouk who is a young American-Lebanese ...

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L’Union Libanaise Culturelle Mondiale au rendez-vous mondiaux de Genève: 7ème édition- 11 Juin 2012

Le Président du Conseil Européen de l’ULCM en Europe et membre du Conseil Economique et Social (ECOSOC) auprès des Nations Unies Roger Hani, a représenté l’ULCM lors de la Septième conférence donné par Mr Carlos Slim Helù, sur les nouvelles technologies et son impact dur le monde des affaires et comment changent-elles nos vies. La conférence s’est déroulée au Palais ...

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